Toca Boca 2024 Vs My town: which is more fun?

Both games are child-focused and offer imaginative play and creativity to their players. Toca Boca was launched in 2011. The innovative approach and digital play of this game have made this game very famous among children. Its unique and exciting features, like storytelling, building, and designing, make this game a fun activity. Suppose we talk about My Town. This game pictures real-life scenarios like dollhouses, homes, schools, hospitals, etc. Both of these are good for kids and can deliver educational benefits and entertainment simultaneously; in simple words, kids will learn by playing their favorite games.

Educational advantages of Toca Boca


Toca Boca offers a great gaming experience. Here are some features of toca boca.

Open-ended gameplay

Toca Boca offers open-ended gameplay. Players can freely explore locations like the city, forms, schools, and more. Children can create their own stories by creating scenarios and engaging in different activities. 

Unlimited customization

This is the most loved feature of Toca Boca: players are free to customize their characters the way they want to without any restrictions. 

Social interactions 

Players can make game characters interact with each other by playing music or cooking.

Offline play

If you want to play toca boca during an internet outage you can still play it as this game can be played in both offline and online mode.

Regular updates 

Toca Boca is regularly updated, and new features are added to it on a regular basis. 

Educational advantages of Toca Boca

In this game kids will follow some scenarios and by using their thinking they can solve the mystery. Toca boca games series consists of a long list and each game offers different educational advantages to players like toca boca school teaches kids about classroom activities and preparations, toca hospital shares knowledge of health care and similarly there many other elements that are helpful for kids.

My town home
My town home game main page at the start of game

Features of My town apk

Interactive locations

My town apk game has many fantastic locations where players can create their own stories by playing their roles. Here is a list of locations

  • Supermarkets
  • Clothing stores
  • Cafe
  • Park
  • Schools
  • Clinics


Players have full control over customization of their characters like they can design their dresses as they want or they change their hair styles in their own way. This feature allows users to showcase their creativity. 

Shared play features

This is newly added and a cool feature as this feature allows multiple users to connect and interact with other players in the game.  Means many players can play to gather and can share their game performance with each other.

Educational element 

This game is also helpful in an educational way as this game develops critical thinking and creativity. Kids can learn alot about their surroundings like they can know about why to visit supermarkets, how to buy clothes, what to do in parks and why medical facilities are used.

Educational element of my town


Both toca boca and my town are good games and offer players a memorable gaming experience. But both games offer a different game style. Toca boca is open ended and unlimitedly customizable. This game is full of creativity and designs. My town is slightly different as this game also allows players character customization and interactive locations. In this game players usually visit the place which they observe on a daily basis in their daily lives, like homes, stores, school etc. if we talk about its educational element this game enables the player to learn about social interactions. Users can choose what game is best for them, in my opinion it would be good to give a try to both games.

Educational advanatges of toca boca